Spare parts and accessories Televisions / TVs LG 37LV3550

All spare parts LG Televisions / TVs 37LV3550

Analogue/digital tuner

Ref : EBL60721201

Brands : LG
Analogue/digital tuner for LG televisions
In stock


£ 50.80 incl. tax incl. tax

Foot connection screw

Ref : FAB30016122

Brands : LG
Foot connection screw for LG Televisions / TVs
In stock


£ 4.00 incl. tax incl. tax

Foot screw (4X12MM)

Ref : FAB30016104

Brands : LG
Foot screw (4X12MM) for LG Televisions / TVs
In stock


£ 5.00 incl. tax incl. tax

Headset connector

Ref : EAG61030001

Brands : LG
Headset connector for LG televisions
In stock


£ 5.30 incl. tax incl. tax

Remote control

Ref : MKJ32022835, AKB75055702

Brands : LG
Remote control for LG Televisions / TVs
In stock


£ 14.70 incl. tax incl. tax

Remote control

Ref : AKB72915269, AKB73615308

Brands : LG
Remote control for LG Computer equipment
In stock


£ 20.90 incl. tax incl. tax

Stand connector [910]

Ref : MJH62276203

Brands : LG
Stand connector [910] for LG Televisions / TVs


£ 20.10 incl. tax incl. tax

Main circuit board

Ref : EBT61718142

Brands : LG
Main circuit board for LG Televisions / TVs


£ 129.10 incl. tax incl. tax

Set of 4 foot screws (4x12 mm)

Ref : FAB30016104

Brands : LG
Set of 4 foot screws (4x12 mm) for LG Televisions / TVs
In stock


£ 14.50 incl. tax incl. tax

Set of 4 stand screws

Ref : FAB30016122

Brands : LG
Set of 4 stand screws for LG Televisions / TVs
In stock


£ 11.00 incl. tax incl. tax

Leg base without connector [900]

Ref : AAN73849506

Brands : LG
Leg base without connector [900] for LG Televisions / TVs

This product is no longer made nor marketed by the manufacturer

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