Our partners
Welcome to the page dedicated to our partnerships! Here you will find all the official partners of SOS Parts and all the offers and services we provide thanks to them.
In a few words:
ADEME is the French government agency in charge of the ecological transition. Its mission : to accelerate the transition to build a society more sober, supportive and human that will create jobs. It supports innovation, from research to implementation, and shares solutions. ADEME and SOS Parts have the same values and goals. That‘s why on the ADEME website www.longuevieauxobjets.gouv.fr, SOS Parts provides a lot of tutorials to repair yourself your home appliances in order to share good practice and increase knowledge.
The French Tech
In a few words:
The French Tech is a unique association that regroups French startups, but also, investors, decision makers and community builders. SOS Parts is very proud to be recognized as an innovative French company by The French Tech, an official label awarded by the French authorities. Its mission is to make France one of the most attractive countries in the world for startups and build a future that makes sense.
Green Friday
In a few words:
The Green Friday is an anti-Black Friday citizen event created by a collective of associations and companies to encourage responsible consumption. Each year at the end of November, SOS Parts joins the movement and is committed to : donate 10% of the turnover on Black Friday to an association endorsed by Green Friday, not to carry out promotions that day, and promote responsible consumption.
In a few words:
Created in 2015, the HOP association (Halte à l’Obsolescence Programmée = ‘Stop Planned Obsolescence’) aims to combat the planned obsolescence of all products through awareness-raising and lobbying actions. As a member of HOP, SOS Parts is working alongside it to promote more responsible consumption and extend the lifespan of home appliances in order to limit their replacement rate and the impact of this over-consumption.
In a few words:
LONGTIME is an independent French label created in 2018. It notes the longevity and durability of manufactured products, including home appliances, according to 41 criteria in order to provide better transparency to consumers. SOS Parts makes its expertise in repairing home appliances available to LONGTIME to assess the quality and robustness of spare parts, and to identify the most common failures. This helps them to define the eligibility criteria for the label.
Repair cafe
In a few words:
Our daily motto: Repair rather than waste and encourage sustainability! We are delighted to share it with you thanks to our partnership with Repair Cafe!
Our commitment: In the Repair Cafe, we provide all our tutorials to learn how to repair, but also assistance tools to diagnose common failures, and even an exclusive discount for your spare parts purchases on our website!