Your Food Is Freezing in Your Fridge
Is your food freezing in the fridge but you don't know why it's happening? Here we explain to you the potential causes of this issue, and how to resolve it.
The food is touching the rear panel
The fridge is overfilled
The thermostat is not correctly set
The thermostat is damaged
The damper or baffle is staying open all the time
The sensors are defective
The circuit board is faulty
Before you do anything to your appliance, make sure you disconnect it from the power supply.
There is a risk of electric shock.
The food is touching the rear panel
At the back of your fridge is a rear panel that serves to generate the coldness in the appliance. If yoghurts, vegetables or other types of food are placed in contact with this panel, they may freeze due to capillary action. We recommend taking care to ensure that no foods are placed in contact with the fridge's rear panel.
The fridge is overfilled
If your refrigerator is filled with too much food, the cold air will not be able to circulate properly and will become concentrated in particular areas inside the appliance, which may cause some of the items to freeze. To ensure the circulating cold air is distributed evenly throughout your fridge, we recommend not overfilling it.
The thermostat is not correctly set
If your fridge's thermostat is set too low, this could cause your food to freeze. To test if this is the case, we recommend increasing the thermostat setting to raise the temperature. You can check the temperature is between 2°C and 6°C by placing a thermometer in a large glass of water and leaving it in the fridge for a good two hours or so. Adjust the thermostat as required based on the results you get.
The thermostat is damaged
If your fridge is too cold, check that the thermostat is not set too high. If it's already at the lowest setting, it's probably damaged, which means the appliance could be cooling non-stop, causing your food to freeze. To check that the thermostat is indeed the cause of the fault, you will need to disconnect its connectors and remove the sensor (thermostat bulb) from its mounting. Next, take a glass of chilled water (put ice cubes in it) and place the bulb in the glass. You can also use an aerosol freeze spray of the kind available from DIY stores to do this. Finally, set the thermostat on the lowest setting to see if you can hear the "click" sound normally heard when it begins regulating the temperature. If you don't hear anything, you may have a defective thermostat.
Purchase a thermostat for your refrigerator
The damper or baffle is staying open all the time
On fridge-freezers equipped with No Frost (frost free) technology, each time the fridge compartment requests more cold, the fan on the freezer compartment begins operating. The damper (baffle) then opens to satisfy the demand for cold. If the fridge part of your fridge-freezer is too cold, this may be due to the damper remaining permanently open. Take a look at it to see whether it's obstructed, such as by ice for example.
The sensors are defective
The sensors on the fridge and freezer parts of the appliance are used to take readings of the temperatures in the different compartments. If any are defective, this can cause the fridge to become excessively cold. You can test them by using a multimeter in ohmmeter mode to measure what values they give. There should be continuity. If there is no continuity, you will need to replace the particular sensor in question. (Contact us or seek the manufacturer's advice to find out what ohm value the sensors should normally give.)
The circuit board is faulty
Si la carte électronique thermostatique est endommagée, elle va comme le thermostat créer un excès de froid, ce qui va geler les aliments. Vous pouvez la remplacer vous-même, ou faire appel à un technicien agréé par la marque.