Spare parts and accessories Extractor Hood CANDY

All spare parts for Extractor Hood CANDY

Complete spot light bulb assembly

Ref : 49018813, 50272814000

Brands : ROSIERES, CANDY,...
Complete spot light bulb assembly extractor hood ROSIERES, CANDY, HOOVER You can order the bulb only by clicking on the link below:...

This product is no longer made nor marketed by the manufacturer


Ref : 49006452

Motor for ROSIERES, CANDY Extractor Hood

This product is no longer made nor marketed by the manufacturer


Ref : 54X0001

Transformer for DE DIETRICH, SAUTER Extractor Hood

This product is no longer made nor marketed by the manufacturer

Light diffuser

Ref : 91943455, 49014678

Brands : CANDY
Light diffuser for CANDY Extractor Hood

This product is no longer made nor marketed by the manufacturer

Programmed module

Ref : 49011298

Brands : CANDY
Programmed module for CANDY extractor hood

This product is no longer made nor marketed by the manufacturer

Halogen Lamp G4 - 12V - 20W

Ref : 49018866, 93958908

Brands : CANDY
Halogen Lamp G4 - 12V - 20W for CANDY Extractor Hood

This product is no longer made nor marketed by the manufacturer

Halogen lamp 12V 20W

Ref : 50230655008

Brands : ELECTROLUX, AEG,...
Halogen lamp 12V 20W for ELECTROLUX, AEG, ARTHUR MARTIN ELECTROLUX Extractor Hood

This product is no longer made nor marketed by the manufacturer

Air conveyor

Ref : 91943715

Air conveyor for CANDY, ROSIERES Extractor Hood

This product is no longer made nor marketed by the manufacturer

Capacitor from 12/31

Ref : 49026695

Brands : CANDY
Capacitor from 12/31 for CANDY Extractor Hood

This product is no longer made nor marketed by the manufacturer

Bulb after 12/31

Ref : 49027458

Brands : CANDY
Bulb after 12/31 for CANDY Extractor Hood

This product is no longer made nor marketed by the manufacturer

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