All spare parts FAGOR Dishwasher VFF-271
Electro magnet
Ref : 32X2884
Brands : BRAND, BRANDT, DE...
Electro magnet for BRAND, BRANDT, DE DIETRICH, FAGOR, SAUTER, SMEG Dishwasher
Front plinth original part
Ref : 32X3020
Brands : BRAND, BRANDT,...
Front plinth original part for BRAND, BRANDT, FAGOR, SAUTER Dishwasher
Level micro-switch
Ref : V23A000E0
Level micro-switch for FAGOR, BRANDT Dishwasher
Original basket and rail stop
Ref : 95X9791, VD7A000B7
Brands : FAGOR, ASPES,...
Original basket and rail stop for FAGOR, ASPES, WESTPOINT Dishwasher